Hector Garcia places in Technical Poster Competition at SHPE 2013

PhD candidate Héctor Garcia has placed third in the technical poster competition at the SHPE 2013 Conference for his poster, “Quipu: Simulation of Quantum Circuits via Stabilizer Frames.” The conference took place October 30 – November 3 in Indianapolis, IN. Garcia was awarded a Google Scholarship to attend.
Mr. Garcia’s overall research goal is to design efficient tools that identify and analyze potential advantages and pitfalls in emergent quantum information processing technologies. To this end, he designed Quipu – a novel quantum-circuit simulator that takes advantage of speed-ups offered by group-theory techniques. The poster describes how Quipu simulates practical fault-tolerant quantum circuits that are currently beyond the scope of state-of-the-art simulators. A parallel version of Quipu would facilitate distributed simulation of quantum circuits on large commodity clusters.
Mr. Garcia works with Prof. Igor Markov in the Quantum Computing Group.