Igor Markov Receives the A. Richard Newton GSRC Industrial Impact Award for 2011

Profs. Igor Markov and Andrew Kahng (UCSD) have won the A. Richard Newton GSRC Industrial Impact Award for 2011 for their research on VLSI circuit placement and the software package called Capo, used by academic groups and companies worldwide. This award is given each year by the Gigascale Systems Research Center (GSRC) to recognize GSRC projects and/or concepts that were initiated at least five years ago and that have had substantial industrial impact.
Prof. Markov’s interests include computers that make computers (software and hardware), secure hardware design, combinatorial optimization with applications to the design, verification and debugging of integrated circuits, as well as in quantum logic circuits. New algorithmic techniques developed by Prof. Markov have been implemented in open-source projects and industry tools, leading to order-of-magnitude improvements in practice.
Prof. Markov has co-authored three books and more than 180 refereed publications, some of which have been honored by the best-paper awards. He is the recipient of a DAC Fellowship, an ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty award, an ACM SIGDA Technical Leadership Award, an NSF CAREER award, an IBM Partnership Award, a Synplicity Inc. Faculty award, a Microsoft A. Richard Newton Breakthrough Research Award, and the inaugural IEEE CEDA Early Career Award. He was also honored by the University of Michigan with the EECS Department Outstanding Achievement Award.
Prof. Markov received his M.A. in Mathematics and Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA. He is a senior member of IEEE and an ACM Distinguished Scientist.
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