John A.M. Lyon

John A.M. Lyon served as acting chairman of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering during the 1974-75 academic year and as associate chairman from 1976-82.
Lyon received all of his degrees from Michigan: a BSE in math and electrical engineering in 1933, and a MSE and PhD in electrical engineering in 1934 and 1936, respectively. He joined the university as a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering in 1959 after serving five years as chairman of the Department of EE at Northwestern University.
He taught at Michigan for 24 years, and conducted research in the areas of electromagnetic coupling and antennas.
He received the 1970 Western Electric Fund Award for Excellence in Instruction of Engineering Students, a Certificate of Appreciation for Civilian Patriotic Service from the United States Army in 1970, and the CoE Stephen S. Attwood Distinguished Engineering Achievement Award in 1978. He also received a Distinguished Alumnus Citation at the convocation for the Centennial of Engineering in 1953.
Lyon was a fellow of IEEE and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and served as national president of Eta Kappa Nu Honorary Electrical Engineering Fraternity during 1962-63. In 1952 he was president of the National Electronics Conference.
References and Further Reading