Semyon Meerkov and colleagues author book on Quasilinear Control
“This is a textbook and reference for readers interested in quasilinear control, a set of methods for performance analysis and design of linear plant or nonlinear instrumentation systems.”

Quasilinear Control: Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Sensors and Actuatorsby ShiNung Ching (PhD EE:Systems 2009), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Neuroscience Statistics Research Lab.Yongsoon Eun (PhD EE:Systems 2003), Xerox Corp.Cevat Gokcek (PhD EE:Systems 2000), Michigan State UniversityPierre T. Kabamba, Professor of Aerospace Engineering and EECS, University of Michigan Semyon M. Meerkov, Professor of EECS, University of Michigan |
Prof. Semyon Meerkov has co-authored the book, Quasilinear Control: Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Sensors and Actuators, with former students Dr. ShiNung Ching (PhD EE:S 2009), Dr. Yongsoon Eun (PhD EE:S 2003), Dr. Cevat Gokcek (PhD EE:S 2000), and Prof. Pierre Kabamba, professor of Aerospace Engineering at U-M.
According to the publisher, Cambridge University Press, “this is a textbook and reference for readers interested in quasilinear control (QLC). QLC is a set of methods for performance analysis and design of linear plant or nonlinear instrumentation (LPNI) systems. The approach of QLC is based on the method of stochastic linearization, which reduces the nonlinearities of actuators and sensors to quasilinear gains. Unlike the usual – Jacobian linearization – stochastic linearization is global. Using this approximation, QLC extends most of the linear control theory techniques to LPNI systems. A bisection algorithm for solving these equations is provided. In addition, QLC includes new problems, specific for the LPNI scenario. Examples include Instrumented LQR/LQG, in which the controller is designed simultaneously with the actuator and sensor, and partial and complete performance recovery, in which the degradation of linear performance is either contained by selecting the right instrumentation or completely eliminated by the controller boosting.”
Prof. Meerkov is a member of the Systems Laboratory. His research interests include Systems and Control, Production Systems Engineering, Communication Networks, Rational Behavior and Resilient Control Systems. He co-authored the book Production Systems Engineering with Jingshan Li in 2007, which after its third printing was revised and published in 2009. Courses he has taught recently include EECS 460: Control Systems Analysis and Design, EECS 569: Production Systems Engineering, and EECS 662: Advanced Nonlinear Control.