Stephen R. Forrest named APS Fellow

Prof. Stephen R. Forrest has been named Fellow of the American Physical Society, Division of Material Physics, “For contributions to the fundamental understanding of the thin film growth, and physics of excitons in organic materials, leading to the demonstration of high efficiency organic light emitting devices, organic photovoltaics and organic lasers.”
Prof. Forrest, William Gould Dow Collegiate Professor, VP for Research, and Professor of EECS, Materials Science and Engineering, and Physics, came to U-M in 2006 from Princeton University. In addition to his primary appointment as VP for Research, he leads the Optoelectronics Components and Materials Group (OCM). This group, in existence since 1985, investigates a wide variety of phenomena and devices related to electronic materials and optics. Examples of OCM research include the basic physics of new semiconductor and organic materials, devices using these materials, and the system impact of optical devices and structures.
Much of his work focuses on developing devices that can provide solutions to the worldwide shortage of renewable and clean energy, particularly organic solar cells and high efficiency interior illumination. In addition, considerable research is done on imaging systems and thin film lasers. His efforts in the area of energy efficiency led him to be invited to testify before Congress on the importance of renewable energy research.
Professor Forrest received the IEEE/LEOS Distinguished Lecturer Award in 1996-97, and in 1998 he was co-recipient of the IPO National Distinguished Inventor Award as well as the Thomas Alva Edison Award for innovations in organic LEDs. He received the MRS Medal for work on organic thin films in 1999, and the IEEE/LEOS William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award for advances made on photodetectors for optical communications systems in 2001. The IEEE named Stephen Forrest, Sir Richard Friend and Ching Tang co-recipients of the 2007 Daniel E. Noble Award, recognizing their pioneering contributions to the development of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) that paved the way for advancements in high-efficiency flat-panel displays and solid-state light sources for general lighting. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and OSA, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering
Professor Forrest has authored some 425 papers in refereed journals, and has 175 patents. He is co-founder or founding participant in several companies, including Sensors Unlimited, Epitaxx, Inc., Global Photonic Energy Corp., Universal Display Corp. (NASDAQ: PANL) and Apogee Photonics, Inc.