Steven Battel elected to National Academy of Engineering
Mr. Battel is an expert on low-noise instrumentation power systems and is internationally recognized for his expertise in the design and development of space high voltage systems.

Steven J. Battel (BSE EE ’79) has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering, class of 2016,”For engineering design and implementation of space flight systems.”
Mr. Battel is known within the space community for his science and engineering leadership related to the development of unique scientific space instruments for Earth observing, planetary geochemistry, space physics and astrophysics applications.
As President of Battel Engineering since 1990, Mr. Battel has provided engineering, development and review services to NASA, DOD, university, and industrial clients. Prior to 1990, he held research, engineering and management positions at the University of Michigan, the Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory, the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Arizona.
Mr. Battel is an expert on low-noise instrumentation power systems and is internationally recognized for his expertise in the design and development of space high voltage systems, especially for operation in planetary environments.
His completed hardware development projects include the Gravity Probe-B, the HST-COS instrument, the Mars-Phoenix TEGA-MS sensor, the Mars Science Laboratory SAM Instrument, CRaTER detector electronics, AIM-CIP camera, and electronic systems for the LADEE and MAVEN projects.
Current projects include flight high voltage and precision instrumentation work on the ExoMars MOMA electronics system, the Mars 2020 PIXL 28 kV high voltage system, and the PICSPEC a-100 kV high voltage demonstration prototype system for planetary pickup ion applications.

Mr. Battel is a regular participant in NASA review and advisory activities, and has served as a team member of more than 75 NASA missions, including Cassini, MESSENGER, Mars Odyssey, Deep Impact, Aquarius, JUNO, and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP). He currently provides technical support for Tracking and Data Relay Satellite Project, Europa, ICON, and several others.
Outside of NASA, Mr. Battel has participated in numerous advisory, teaching and mentoring activities as well as many “New Space” activities. He is a former member of the Space Studies Board (SSB) and a current member of the Aeronautics & Space Engineering Board (ASEB) for the National Academies. He is also a member of the board of directors for the BoldlyGo Institute, on the editorial board for New Spacemagazine, a member of the Space Telescope Institute Council (STIC), the SKYBOX Imaging Technical Advisory Group, the B612 Asteroid Committee, and the University of Michigan CLaSP (formerly AOSS) National Advisory Board.
Steve has a long history working with Space Physics Research Laboratory(SPRL)/XTRM Labs. At the time of this writing, he is on campus with two senior associates from JPL conducting education sessions with students interested space systems. He is a frequent lecturer on engineering and management topics and mentors students and young engineers at a variety of high profile universities and companies.
Mr. Battel is the author or a co-author on twenty-two engineering and scientific papers, and has participated in multiple National Academy reports. He is the recipient of the NASA Public Service Medal as well as 32 NASA/GSFC/JPL individual and group achievement awards. He is a Fellow of The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.